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Ayouba 1215MSWSC13

Ayouba was born in 2008. He lives with his mother and sister in Yako. Ayouba’s father is from Morocco and lives and works there. He comes to Burkina Faso only one month every year. Because he is away, Ayouba’s mother has been the one responsible for the children’s education and other needs. The family was living in a house that Ayouba’s father built for them, but recently Ayouba’s mother sold all of their possessions to move to Morocco so that the family could all be together. She was only there a few short months when things started going wrong and he sent the family back to Burkina. Now Ayouba’s mother has nothing. She is trying to sell water to keep her children fed, but they are suffering greatly. Ayouba is a bright little boy who loves school. He is attending the Sheltering Wings School. Ayouba needs a sponsor so that he may stay in school. Sponsorship will also ensure a hot meal every day and medical care.
Age: 16