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Barkwende 2507MSWLA22

Hello, my name is Barkwende. I was born on August 4, 2006. I am a Muslim. I live with my mother and my six siblings. My father died eleven years and my mother took us out of his village and moved us to the city that we live in now. We do not have either running water or electricity in our home, but the well is not too far away. It is less than a kilometer from our home. We go there each morning or evening to get the water that we will use for all of our cooking and cleaning. I walk about two kilometers each way to get to school and then home again because my mother does not have a bike that I can use. This year (2021-22), I am in 8th grade at Sheltering Wings’ School. My favorite subject is Math. I like to study hard, because I know that I will have to work hard to become a police officer one day. I want to help serve and protect my people.
Age: 17