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Bernisse 2702FNIAN23

Meet Bernisse who is a precious 11 year-old girl who lives with her family in West Africa. She was born in 2012. Her father and mother are living but are very poor. They live in a small house made of mud bricks. During the rainy season they worry that their house may collapse from the wind and heavy rains. There is no running water or electricity. Her family are subsistence farmers. Their main crop is corn but they also plant beans, peanuts and okra. The whole family works in the fields during the growing season and are thankful when the harvest is adequate. Some years the crops fail due to lack of rain or flooding of the fields. Families never know what to expect each growing season.Bernisse has recently relocated to live with extended family in another village after terrorists threatened her village. Authorities advised everyone to leave but how can families who depend on the land to raise crops just pack up and move to a location where they have no means of feeding their families? Bernisse's family made the decision to send her away to be safe. This year she is in 2nd grade (2022-2023). She is happy to go to school. She knows that all children, especially girls, are not so fortunate but she is sad to be away from her parents. Bernisse is looking for a sponsor to help her and her family. Sponsorship donations pay tuition, provide school supplies and help feed the family. Twice a year she and her family would receive 100 pounds of rice and some soap. Best of all she would know that someone cares about her. This would be such a blessing for Bernisse. It would provide hope and encouragement to the whole family. Would you please sponsor Bernisse? Thank you!
Age: 12