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This young man is Ezekiel. He was born in 2011 in a village in West Africa. His father died in 2018. Shortly after that his mother abandoned him to the care of his widowed grandmother who tries to provide for herself and her grandson by selling dehydrated vegetables and spices in the local market.


Ezekiel is an engaging boy who loves to go to school. This year (2023-2024) Ezkiel is in 7th grade.


Having a sponsor would be a huge blessing for Ezekiel and his grandmother. It means that his tuition would be paid for and school supplies purchased. Basic medical care would be provided. He would receive distributions of 100 pounds of rice and other practical items twice a year. Moreover, Ezekiel would know the love having a sponsor would bring. Sponsorship would bring hope and encouragement not only to Ezekiel  but to his struggling grandmother.Is there room in your heart to share with this deserving boy? Please consider sponsoring Ezekiel.

Age: 13