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Grace was born in 2016 in West Africa. She has already faced much sadness. Her father abandoned her family shortly after her birth. Her mother then took her family and moved back to live with her grandmother who has also taken in two other daughters and their children when their marriages failed. None of the daughters has been able to find permanent work. Grace’s grandmother who is 66 years old, works by selling charcoal at the roadside to earn money. Her income is barely sufficient to provide food for the family leaving nothing extra for other essentials let alone paying Grace’s school fees.


 This year (2023-2024) Grace is enrolled in 2nd grade. She is very excited to go to school and looks forward to learning to read. His mother and grandmother know that she will have more opportunities open to her if she can get an education.


Having a sponsor would be a huge blessing for Grace and her entire family Her school fees would be paid for and she would receive necessary school supplies. Sponsorship also means that basic medical care would be provided. In addition to this, her family would receive distributions of 100 pounds of rice and other practical items twice a year. Moreover, Grace  would know the love having a sponsor would bring. Is there room in your heart to share with this deserving little girlWould you please consider sponsoring Grace?


Age: 8