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Roukietou 1750FSWSC17

Roukietou's father has two wives so there are more than 18 people in her family. Her mother has six children. Her father works hard to raise enough food to feed his entire family. In their environment, it is hard to raise crops. If it rains too much or too little all of the crops will be ruined. In their courtyard there is no running water or electricity. Roukietou must help her mother and the other women in the family with the chores. One of those is to go to the well several times to get enough water for each day’s cooking and cleaning. Roukietou has been placed within Sheltering Wings’ Primary School. Without the access to a free education that comes with her sponsorship, Roukietou would not be able to attend school. Her father would be unable to afford it. In addition to her education, Roukietou will receive a free hot meal each school day and access to free medical care should she need it. Most of all, she will learn about the love of Jesus Christ and hopefully will choose to accept him as her Savior.
Age: 14