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This serious little boy is Sadouba. He was born in 2016 in a remote village in West Africa. He is the third of five children in the family. His short life has known many troubles. His father died a few years ago leaving his mother to care for him and his siblings. This in itself is tragic. However, Sadouba’s mother suffers from a form of mental illness making the situation even more dire.


Living conditions are simple. Sadouba lives in a small house made from mud bricks. He sleeps on a mat on the dirt floor. There is little his mother can do to provide for her family. His father’s extended family helps as much as possible, but everyone struggles just to provide food and shelter for their own family.


The happiest part of the day for Sadouba is when he is in school. This year (2023-2024) he is in second grade. He would love to continue his education but worries that his family will be able to continue to have the money to pay his school fees.

Age: 8