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Sagorba was born out of wedlock in West Africa in 2016.  Thus, he has never known his father. Raising a child under these circumstances is very challenging for her mother. Sagorba and his mother live in a small village with no access to electricity or running water. Each day he helps to draw water from the village well which could be 2-3 kilometers from his home. This vital chore takes as much as 2 hours a day. The 20-liter plastic water jugs are fastened to the back of a bicycle and transported back to their tiny mud brick house. This is a strenuous chore. Young African children have many chores to complete .They gather wood , do laundry and help in the fields where they grow corn and peanuts.Though he is still quite young, Sagorba is not exempt from these chores.


This year (2023-2024) Sagorba is in third grade. Being with his friends, learning to read and do math make going to school a joy for him. Even though the cost of attending school is low, his mother has little money left for this after providing food and basic needs for her family.

Age: 8