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Somaila 0813MYAKO10

Somaila was born seven years ago in the Ivory Coast.  He will start the first grade in the Sheltering Wings School this Fall (2010-2011).


Somaila's father lost his job during the country’s civil war and sent him, his mother and three brothers back to Burkina. Soumaila’s mother rents a home for the family in Yako, and the family has not seen their father for 9 years.  Since the family’s return to Burkina Somaila’s mother has given birth to a half brother. She cultivates to provide for her family but has no other way of providing for the childrens' basic needs.

Somaila now attends a specialized school to learn mechanics.  This will allow him to learn a skill and open his own small buisness. 

Age: 19