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Youbane was born in a remote village in West Africa in 2014. Traditionally, African families are large and Youbane’s is no exception. She is the youngest of seven children. Recently her father became quite ill and died. Her mother now shoulders the responsibility for her family. Life for a widow is very difficult especially for one trying to provide for seven children.


Youbane lives in a small mud brick house. She collects firewood which is used for cooking which is done outside over an open fire. Her chores also include doing laundry and going to the village well to fetch water for the family needs. This chore may take  a few hours depending on the distance of the well from her home. In the summer, Youbane helps in the family fields which can  be located  as far as  2-3 kilometers from their home. She may also help prepare and bring food to the rest of the family who are toiling in the field.


This year (2023-2024) Youbane is in 4th grade. Often there are more than 100 students in each class. She is very happy to go to school and works hard  to succeed. She knows that not every girl has the privilege of going to school.


It would be an enormous blessing to her entire family if you would consider sponsoring her. Your donations would pay her tuition and buy school supplies. Twice a year she would receive 100 pounds of rice and other practical items. If you have ever thought about sponsorship, perhaps this is the time to get involved and make a difference in this young girl’s life. Thank you!

Age: 10