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Youmati 2416FNIAN21

Youmati is just like any eleven-year old girl. She loves playing with his friends, being with her family and going to school. Yet growing up in West Africa comes with many challenges not faced by most young girls. Her village is located in a high-risk area for malaria, typhoid, meningitis and intestinal parasites. Her mother died in 2016.She lives with her father who recently remarried. They live in a small mud brick house with a tin roof. At night they sleep on the floor. If they are lucky, they may have a sleeping mat. There is no electricity or running water. Youmati helps with the family chores of fetching water from the well, gathering wood, doing laundry and working in the family fields. Corn is their main crop but hey also grow beans and peanuts. This year (2020-2021) Youmati is in the 4th grade. She enjoys going to school and knows how fortunate she is to have this privilege. Not all children are enrolled in school. Even with the small school fees, families may not have the means to pay for an education for their children. Youmati is looking forward to having a sponsor who will care about her and assure she will be able to continue to receive an education. For a little more than $1.00 a day you can provide tuition, school supplies, basic medical care and twice-yearly donations of 100 pounds of rice to feed Youmati and her family. All this is possible for just $35 a month. Please consider the difference you could make in the life of this young girl by agreeing to become her sponsor. It would change her life.
Age: 14