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Brigitte 0945FYKORPH11

Brigitte was born on September 30, 2001. As far as the family knows her father is still living but he is in the Ivory Coast and has not been heard from in years. Her mother is not well mentally. Brigitte has been under the care of a paternal uncle in a small village about 20 kilometers outside of Yako. The school that Brigitte attended was in between her uncle's courtyard and the courtyard where her mother lived. Several times this year, Brigitte's mother met up with Brigite on her way to school and beat her as though she was trying to kill her. Brigitte has come to the orphanage to live in order to provide a safe place for her to go to school and give her mother time to calm down. Brigitte is at the Sheltering Wings School. She will stay with us for at least this year or until our social worker and her family feels that it is safe for her to return to the village.
Age: 22