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Karidjatou lives in a small village in West Africa. Her father died in January 2024 in a motorcycle accident. She and her twin brother were born in 2017. They have six older siblings. Life in the West African culture is not easy for a widowed woman, especially one with such a large family. It is customary for such families to live with extended family. The burden of caring for them is great and providing basic necessities is a daily struggle.


Karidjatou’s life is quite simple. There is no running water. Instead, each day someone must walk to the nearest well which is often more than 2-3 kilometers away to fetch water for the family. She helps gather firewood and though she is still young, she helps in the fields when she is not in school.

Her family grows their own food. Their main crop is corn but they also grow beans and peanuts. They own a few chickens.


This year (2023-2024) Karidjatou is in 1st grade. She is very excited to be able to learn to read and write. Her mother struggles to pay the school fees for Karidjatou  and her twin brother. She knows the benefit of obtaining an education and like any mother she wants the best for her children.

You can give Karidjatou and her family hope for the future through sponsorship. Basic medical care, tuition, school supplies and twice-yearly gifts of food and other items are all covered by the monthly cost of sponsorship. Think what it would mean to Karidjatou and her family to know someone cares enough to help. The rewards are countless. Would you consider becoming Karijatou’s sponsor?