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S Dorcas 2313FSWSC21

Hello, my name is Sanogo Dorcas Roamba. I was born on February 21, 2015. I live with my parents who do not have a normal paying job. We do have a small farm that we use to grow the food that we will eat throughout the year. There are 12 people that live in our home with us. We do not have electricity or running water in our home. The closest well is about a kilometer away. We are Christian family. I go to school about 3 kilometers away from our home. I walk to school each day. This is my first in year in school (2020-21). I am a kindergartener. I am learning how to sit in class, but I am also playing a lot. I especially like to play hopscotch. When I grow up, I would like to become a teacher.
Age: 9