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Friends of the Orphanage

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We invite you to become a Friend of the Orphanage! Friends can give once or on a recurring basis. This donation ensures that each child’s needs are able to be taken care of.
The Orphanage was dedicated in 2004 and has been in operation since. It is located on community-donated land on the outskirts of the village. The number of children at the orphanage varies but is generally around 20.  We have children from birth through school age when they are placed with host families. Children come to the orphanage from challenging circumstances such as the death of one or both parents or a disability that is too great for their family to care for.
Each donation that a child’s needs are able to be taken care of. Your giving provides food, clothing, medical care, security, maintenance, staff salaries and utilities.  Make your one-time donation or choose your monthly giving amount and partner with us to help change the future of these special children.